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Steering is published monthly by Overseas Evangelical Mission, Copyright 1999
導向月刊 第167期(7/1999) 第40頁


/Dorothy C. Yang

Everyone seems to be talking about this movie. My daughter, Ruth, had no interest in this movie because she hates the expected sad ending. I have known this story for a long time and I am interested in the recent discovery of the sunken Titanic. However, I seldom go to see movies except the time when I visit my grandchildren in Honolulu. They like to see movies with me because I always treat them. This time I made an effort to see Titanic with one of my young friends. It was indeed an exciting movie. I enjoyed the part of exploring the ship undersea after 85 years. The disaster happened on April 14th 1912. Many millionaires were on board. This included the wealthiest people at that time such as John Jacob Astor whose fortune was an estimated $150 million, Benjamin Guggenheim who had a fortune of $95 million and the founder of Macy's department store with a fortune of 50 million. It was considered to be "The Millionaire Special." After 85 years, the millionaires were gone and all the glamor and riches were like filthy rags.

This movie excites the world. Many people go to see it a second time, including myself. The second time I saw it on video. Why did I see it again? It was because I could not follow the story fast enough the first time. It has a very moving romantic story to capture the audience. What impressed me is the beauty of the old actress, the survivor. Suddenly I realized that beauty does not belong to the young only. When watching a movie or TV, I always close my eyes when the scenes make me uncomfortable.

After seeing the movie twice, God showed me the arrogance and pride of the human race. This massive ship, the largest and most luxurious at the beginning of the nineteenth century, was the symbol of man's achievement. Man was going to build a "heaven on earth" and to beat nature and god through technology. As a result the Titanic was built such that "Even God Himself couldn't sink it." Then on April 14th 1912, just five days into its maiden voyage, ignoring seven repeated warning s of icebergs ahead, the proud captain sped up the Titanic until it hit an iceberg that tore a 200-foot gash in its side. It went down, taking 1,500 people to an icy grave.

God reminded me of the story of the tower of Babel in the Bible. Gen 11:4 "Then they said, 'Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves and not be scattered over the face of the whole earth.' " The Lord confused their language and scattered them over all the earth.

Yes, countless thousands of people all over the world are seeing the story through the film Titanic. It has the highest box office draw of all time. Many people have gone to see it repeatedly, captivated by its story and moved by its characters. Can they sense the anger of God who HATES pride and arrogance of man? The sinking of Titanic was an ACT OF GOD. God is reminding the whole world through Titanic that He is the Sovereign God who controls the history of mankind.

Isn't it also true that the nonbelievers think that everything is going to be alright when there is also an iceberg ahead, death? God loves even the proud people if they will repent and be willing to get into the life boat of Jesus, because He is the Way, the Truth and the LIFE. God is speaking to this generation through Titanic as we head toward the 21st century.



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《導向》月刊    Web Site: www.steering.org    Web Master: George Chu, Ph.D., DPM