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Steering is published monthly by Overseas Evangelical Mission, Copyright 1999
導向月刊 第168期(8/1999) 第40頁


/By Doreen Szeto

Recently I decided to reevaluate my life. I realized that I had not been as faithful in sharing my faith with others. I remembered the parable Jesus told in Matthew 25. A man went on a journey and entrusted his property to three of his servants. One servant received five talents of money (each talent is worth more than a thousand dollars); another servant received two talents, and the third received one. When the man left for his journey, the first two servants worked to double the amount given to them. However, the third servant hid his master's money in the ground. When the master returned, the first two servants were praised for their faithfulness, but the third was sent away.

In meditating on this parable, I was sure many people look at the third servant and think "How stupid! I would never do that!" However, I know that, in a sense, many of us are like that third servant. I realized that in the same way the men used their talents to make more talents, I could put my faith into action and share with other in order to bring more people into God's family. Right now, I have to admit I'm like the man with one talent. I take my faith and try to live my life with a Christ-like attitude, but many times I back off and hide it. Instead, I should try to be like the other men, who were willing to take the chance and make use of their talents. Christ made a sacrifice for me. I should at least be willing to sacrifice my time and myself and share my knowledge of eternal life with others. If I'm willing to go out and give, I know that God will move others to know His love too. Instead of hiding our faith and the grace God has given us, let us follow the example of the first two servants. Let us take God's grace and work to share it with others. And one day, I hope to hear God say to me, " Well done, good and faithful servant! Come and share your master's happiness!"



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《導向》月刊    Web Site: www.steering.org    Web Master: George Chu, Ph.D., DPM